Saturday, July 14, 2007

I ran the Peachtree!

I am so not a runner. Hate it.

Still, somehow my friend Sandra convinced me to run the Peachtree Road Race this year. For those of you not in Atlanta, it is a 10K held on July 4th, and it's hot hot hot. Despite the heat, it's the largest 10K in the world, with 55,000 participants. Runners, apparently, are a sadistic bunch.

Did I mention it's hot?
Now, I've struggled through a few 5Ks here and there, but I've never done a 10K (notice I said 'done' and not 'run'). I'd like to say I trained rigorously for this, gradually increasing both my speed and my distance. Unfortunately I can't. I ran a grand total of 6 times since signing up for the race back in February.

Despite the lack of hard work before the race, Sandra and I ran together slowly but surely - with a few bouts of walking - and I finished in (a respectable?) 72 minutes.

Oh well, I did it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And of course....all smiles at the end! Love you!