Friday, November 23, 2007

how we don't spend our money

A family member recently made a comment about how 'it must be nice' to take such nice vacations. Yes, I understand that D and I do go on some awesome trips. Besides Croatia earlier this fall, we went to Chile in November 2005 and China/Thailand in August 2004. Taking trips like that is important to us. We both really enjoy visiting new places and meeting new people, not to mention eating new foods. It's a time to unwind, relax, enjoy each other's company, experience something new together. So what if we spend more money on these trips than other people?

We actually didn't spend that much on our most recent trip. I was surprised to find that we spent just under $5000 for both of us over three weeks. Yes that is a lot, but when you think about how much we experienced during this time it really doesn't seem that much to us. Besides, we make little "sacrifices" (in quotes because they may seem like sacrifices to some people, but to us they are things that don't matter) in order to be able to do what we truly love.

Here's how we can afford it:
We cancelled our cable TV about 6 months ago. That's $540/year in savings.
I take public transportation to work about 3 times a week. That's about $700/year in gas savings.
Our mortgage payment is lower than a typical household of our income level. It's at least $7000 less per year.
We have low home energy costs. Our power bill averages about $72/month. Our gas bill averages about $47/month. The average American household spends about $2100/year on home energy. That means we are saving $670/year.

That is not even considering the fact that since we don't have kids, we have a lot more disposable income. Children are expensive! We also only have one car payment, so while it may not be a savings per se, we have a lower insurance premium and lower car costs in general.

Anyway, adding all that up brings us to almost $9,000/year in savings just by altering our lifestyle a little bit. Small price to pay for such huge rewards.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I want I want I want

Marketplace has been running a week-long series called "Consumed". I just love Marketplace. I love Kai Ryssdal's voice; it is so soothing and reassuring. Sigh!

The series addresses Americans' over-consumption habit.

D and I try not to consume too much, but sometimes we're not that good at it. He loves outdoor gear and clothes, and I get caught up once in a while in a clothing shopping 'frenzy'. Still we try.

Our friend Magali hit the nail on the head with her most recent post. People just want to buy buy buy. How much stuff does a baby need? I am adamant that if and when we have a baby, I am going to insist on getting everything used (except for maybe a breast pump!). There is no need to register for stuff, no need to make such a big deal and spend hundreds of dollars buying stuff and no need to spend time and money doing over-the-top decorations for the baby's room.

Another example is Christmas. No longer a day for enjoying family and the spirit of giving, it is now spent opening one present after another. There is not even time to look at a present for more than a second before attention is turned to the next wrapped box. What is going on here?? Our children are no longer grateful; they're demanding and expectant.

Off of my soapbox...anyway, the "Consumed" programs have been extremely enlightening and alarming. I now have even more to worry about in the middle of the night. Check it out.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

By the Way...

Is it terribly apparent that I love lists?

5 things I do that help the environment

  1. I don't buy bottled water. I bring my own (filtered tap water) in my very own SIGG bottle. Doesn't leach and doesn't go into landfills!

  2. I don't rinse dishes off before putting them in my awesome energy-saving dishwasher. And I don't heat dry, I air dry.

  3. I don't use bleach or other harmful chemicals while cleaning my house or my clothes. All natural, baby!

  4. I take MARTA (the crappy public transportation here in Atlanta) about 2-3 times a week to and from work. It's sometimes hard because I actually have to travel around the city for my job.

  5. I recycle like a madwoman. I even have my own recycle bin at work for office paper that I have to take home in order to recycle.

Now that I've tooted my own horn, of course there are so many things I do that are not so good...but I'm working on them!

5 things I do that don't help the environment so much

with my justifications...

  1. My last car purchase was not a hybrid or a compact. It was a wagon. (justification: It is actually a Subaru Outback, and their environmental record is incredible as far as car companies go. I also take public transportation a lot)

  2. I travel by plane quite a bit. (justification: I need a break, man!)

  3. My showers sometimes take a little longer than they should. (justificaton: I put big bowls at my feet to save some of it!)

  4. Sometimes I forget about food in the fridge and end up throwing it away (justification: OK, I don't really have a justification for this just an excuse. I really don't like leftovers! But I'm getting better.)

  5. I am running a space heater at my feet right now. No justificaton. I am just damn cold here.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

HH the DL

I played hookey from work on October 22nd, for a once in a lifetime experience.

He is humble, funny, smart, amazing at the same time. I'm so glad I went.